Heating comparison


We can do a heating comparison between different types of heating.
This way you can get the best heating for your home and family.

Find a system that is right for you and your family.

Finding the right system for you and your family can be tricky, that’s where we come in. We send a real expert to come and give you the best advice on how to efficiently heat your home. Watch the video below for a comparison between the most common heating sources. Heatpumps, Electric Heaters, Wood Heaters, and Gas Heaters.



Electric heating is 98% energy efficient in the sense that all the incoming electric energy is converted to heat.

Outdated electric heater


One of the biggest advantages of wood heating is the exceptional quality of heat. Wood heaters operate on the principle of radiant heat which warms areas faster and more efficiently. Many wood heaters also use convection via heat panels and fans to provide more even heat distribution, warming your whole house.

Outdated electric wood heater


Since gas heating produces more heat output than an electric heater, it will heat your space quicker and use much less energy. Gas is also a low-cost, convenient fuel, meaning the operating costs of a gas heater are generally lower and more affordable than pulling energy from the electricity grid.

Outdated gas heater

EV Chargers Installation


Smart lights