Smart lights


What’s the point of smart lights?

Smart lighting is an advanced way to light your home. Smart LED bulbs contain software that connects to an app, smart home assistant, or another smart accessory so you can automate your lights or control them remotely, eliminating the need for traditional wall switches.

LED smart lights in the kitchen.

One of the best features of smart lights is easily the ability to set them to turn on automatically. By setting a specific schedule for your smart lights, you can use them to make your morning and night routines more efficient. Most smart lights typically come with a companion mobile app that lets you control the lights from your phone and even set timers for them.

Save money on your electricity bill

Most smart bulbs use LED technology, which means they’re more energy-efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs and compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. You can, of course, just purchase regular old LED bulbs and you’d still be saving energy but if you choose smart LED bulbs you’ll be able to dim them allowing for extra savings!


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